Monday, October 4, 2010

Blog Recap and This Week's Assignments

I very much enjoyed reading this past week's posts on events attended on campus -- and I loved the pictures you took and posted (did anyone see Oscar with blue hair at the football game?!) These were some of the most interesting posts for me to read because it's a side of campus life that I don't see or know enough about. In regard to the project posts, it seems like projects are coming along, taking shape, even if some are off to a slow start. I'm going to write more about the projects and what makes a good project in my next post.

For this week, here are the two blogging assignments:

1. What makes a good blog post? Enumerate the criteria and explain why it's important and link to students' posts from our class which exemplify your ideas.

2. This one is a way to get ready for midterm advising and Spring registration. If you have chosen a major, why did you choose that major? If you haven't chosen or are thinking of switching, what are you thinking about and why?

Looking forward to seeing 1st drafts of videos tomorrow!

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