Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blogging (and Video Blogging) the University

“I believe the term “blog” means more than an online journal. I believe a blog is a conversation. People go to blogs to read AND write, not just consume.” (Michael Arrington)

Lots of people, both within and outside of INQ, are involved in the conversation on "blogging the university." Did you know that Southern's current president, Dr. Stanley Battle, has a blog? What an amazing way to gain access to the thoughts of someone students may never see at the university. Check it out here.

This week, our INQ classes have posted their midterm videos on their blogs (21 out of 37 successfully posted so far), and I am excited about how unique they all are, representing diverse voices throughout the university and touching on many different topics that are important to college students. I encourage everyone to watch several videos to see the range of choices made and technological expertise represented. Try to give some feedback on the videos in the blog comments, and think about which if any are in "A range" in terms of assessment and why specifically.

For next week's blogs, here are your two assignments:

1) Do something that is outside your comfort zone (not dangerous obviously, just new and different) and blog about it. Tell us what you did and why and how it turned out.

2) Reflect on your midterm grades (as a whole, not just for INQ). Are you where you want to be/expected to be? If so, why and what has been working? If not, why not and what can you do to change it? Finally, set some specific goals for yourself for the remainder of the semester.

As always, I am looking forward to reading your blog posts, and this weekend, I am looking forward to re-watching your videos.

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