Sunday, November 14, 2010

Maintaining an Uphill Motion in the 2nd Half of the Semester

Disclaimer: This blog post is going in a few different directions and has multiple purposes instead of one unified and tight structure. Try to bear with me; I think it's just that time of the semester, but I've added internal titling to help organize it a little.

Mini-recap: I love reading the blogs. Your writing has progressed and become distinctive. I feel like I'm reading bloggers, not just students.

Mini-pep talk: As the end of November approaches, it is important to hunker down -- work hard and work steadily -- through these last weeks of the semester in order to maintain the average you worked for in the first half of the semester. Also, you want to go into finals week feeling prepared, haveing done the work, ready to end the semester on a positive note. No one wants to be extra-stressed, trying to cram in all that information you should have gotten all semester into one hectic week, so just do the work over these next few weeks so you can ensure your sanity (and good grades).

Mini-lecture: This week, ten students (that's 1/4) didn't complete one or more blog posts, and a few students still need to resolve what week's blog posts they're writing (most have this cleared up, but a few problems linger). Some students have stopped including pictures or links. Reminder: blogging is 40% of the final grade. Some students are missing campus safari assignments as well. I am hoping that everyone is using these light-reading weeks to work on the final projects; second drafts are due next week uploaded to the internet for easy screening. Hold it together and don't engage in self-defeating behavior (very common at this point in the semester).

Mini-assignment: You already have your blogging assignments for this week, and you already have work to do in the form of your final project. In addition, for this week, I'd like you to read the following pieces:

1. Job Skills that Every College Student Needs: Writing, Speaking, Professionalism, and Other Important Knowledge

2. Going pro: Transforming college students into professionals

3. What Do Employers Really Want? Top Skills and Values Employers Seek from Job-Seekers

We will discuss these in class this week and maybe have an in-class writing (mini-hint ).

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